systems, the power steering fluid is forced through the power steering system to amplify the force input from the driver, making it easy to steer and make turns. Why the fluid flush is necessaryMany will say flushing your power steering fluid isn't necessary. In the past, auto shops would replace the components of the power steering system as they went bad. With the advent of flushing systems, we can now flush and extend the life of the power steering components. The power steering fluid will wear over time due to daily driving and may become abrasive. It will also lose its ability to dissipate heat. The abrasiveness and overheating can lead to leaks and cracked seals, which are always expensive repairs. In extreme cases, the fluid will even form a thick sludge, further exasperating the effects of a worn fluid. Signs of bad fluiD It is relatively easy to check your power steering fluid. Since the system is fully sealed, your vehicle should not be losing fluid over time. If you notice your levels are decreasing, you may have a leak that requires immediate attention. Your vehicle's manual should have service intervals as well if you are unsure about your power steering fluid's health. It's better to err on the side of safety, so JAMHS Auto recommends a power steering flush every 30,000 miles to extend the life of your power steering system.
July 2024
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